The Generalist Career Transition Playbook

5-Day Strategy to Unlock Your Next Energizing Career Move

(Even If You Have A Non-Linear Career)

A FREE, 5-day email course to kickstart your career transition into the dream role you can't wait to wake up for. Unlock clarity, confidence, your unique story, and a Stand Out Strategy to become the top 1% candidate who gets hired.

100+ generalist leaders have applied these strategies to land interviews at target companies β€” without endless applications or waiting on referrals

This Playbook Was Made For You If...

  • You're a generalist who is INCREDIBLE at what you do, an expert problem solver

  • You've outgrown your current role, but you're not exactly sure what's next

  • You're committed to finding a role that lights you up and pays you well

  • You're tired of scrolling LinkedIn just to see boring jobs that aren't worth the effort

  • Your career story is hard to explain, how DO you explain such a squiggly path?

  • You have a great network but referrals aren't converting like they did in 2021

  • You're getting passed over for roles you know you'd crush...

  • You're ready to WIN in the job search so you can get back to thriving at work πŸ‘‡

Hi, I'm Katy, and I've...

  • Guided over 100+ ambitious generalists through career transitions. Before that I...

  • Questioned my path as a generalist, wondering "What is it all for?"

  • Successfully transitioned from consulting to tech, after many rejections

  • Advised hundreds of hiring teams to learn how they hire and who stands out

  • Attracted a community of 13,000 on LinkedIn by sharing what I've learned

  • Educated 950+ generalists through my newsletter and πŸ”₯ free trainings

Ready to finally land your dream role?

Here's a sneak peek of everything you'll learn inside this email course:

Day #1: Mindset Shifts to Own Your Career (You’re The CEO, Have You Forgotten?)Day #2: Get Clarity on Your Next Move (Even If You Have A Bunch of Options)Day #3: Craft A Compelling Career Story (No Matter How Non-linear Your Path)Day #4: Become a Stand Out Candidate (Learn How to Play The Game β€” And WIN)Day #5: How I Landed My Dream Role (And You Can Too)Day #6: BONUS Cold Outreach Templates (To Fast-track Your Job Search)

⚠️ [IMPORTANT] Watch this video before you dive in!

πŸ‘‹ Hey! Katy here.Thanks for joining The Generalist Career Transition Playbook.Your first email will land in your inbox in the next minute or so.Before you run to your inbox...Take 5 seconds to share where you are in your career journey. Help me create content that serves you best πŸ‘‡

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P.S. If you don't get the email in the next few minutes, please check your spam or promotions folder...Chances are it ended up there.(When you find the email, reply with "I'M IN" so the email gatekeepers let the rest of the course land in your inbox)